Space for Student's Union
Institution facilitates students’ representation and engagement in various administrative, cocurricular and extracurricular activities following duly established processes and norms (student council, students representation on various bodies)Response: The College aims to provide resources that develop positive student leaders who will enhance the institutional quality and actively contribute to community environment. Student representatives elected through form of election or selection constitute the College Union. This promotes and develops democracy as a way of life on the campus. There is an Election Supervision Sub Committee ensuring the transparency of the procedure. All election related grievances are addressed by this committee. The Union of the college is constituted by directly elected or selected students from each class. From this forum, office bearers of the college union viz Chairperson, Vice Chairperson , General Secretary, Cultural Secretary, Secretary for magazine, Secretary Ladies' common room, Sports Secretary, Secretary Boys' common room, one Treasure are elected. The elected student representatives work together with the teacher advisor within the framework of a constitution to provide a means for student expression and assistance in the college affairs and activities. The Union plans and conducts various academic programmes, annual sports competition, annual cultural competition ,annual Cultural programme and prize distribution ceremony, Saraswathi Puja, College Day celebrations etc. The Student Union plays a vital role in sensitizing students on issues like Disaster Management, road Safety, Tree Plantation, Blood Donation, Anti-ragging, Street Drama for Social Awareness, Gender Sensitization, Equal Opportunity to Students etc. Beside these Secretary Students' union is the Member of Governing Body.