A Meeting of the Institution's Innovation Council are scheduled to be held on 3rd November2020 at 8 pm through Google meet system. All Members are requested to be present in the above meeting in this link. https://meet.google.com/fjz-rkwv-vjc
IIC Calendar 2020 - 21All Faculties and Students of Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya are reqested to follow the IIC Calendar 2020 - 21.
Nominated Prototypes by IICList of for Regional Level Montoring Nominated Prototypes ( our IIC ) for Regional Level Montoring under IIC National Innovation Contest 2020.
NISP at HIE Level Action Items for September- November 2020Adoption of National Innovation and Start- up Policy (NISP) at HEI Level Action Items for September - November 2020
Mentorship program for student Entrepreneurs through ExpertsJointly with IQAC and Research cell of Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya organizes an IIC driven activity under Mentorship program for student Entrepreneurs through Experts on Development of Innovative Herbal Products from Indigenous Medicinal Plants: Prototype, Design And Process Development for Business Model/Process/Services. Dated 12.01.2021.
Innovative Model and Poster Competition for studentsTo observe National Science Day, The Innovative Model and Poster Competition for Students under the Theme "Science and Environment" Dated 1st March 2021 at 11.30 am at Auditorium Hall, Satabdi Sadan, Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya. Organised by IIC, Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya Guest of Honor Prof Dr. Antony Gomes, Ex Professor &UGC Emeritus, UGC-BSR Fellow, Dept. of Physiology, Calcutta University. All students of Zoology, Chemistry and Mathematics are asked to participate the above competition.
IIC Calendar Activity "How to plan for Start-up and Legal & Ethical Steps"IIC Calendar Activity "How to plan for Start-up and Legal & Ethical Steps" Title: Entrepreneurship Management through innovation in Dairy Industry. Organized by Institution's Innovation Council of Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya. Dated 27.02.2021. All students of Nutrition, B.Voc & M.Voc Food processing of the college are asked to be present in the above programe.
IIC Calendar 2021- 2022All Faculties and Students of Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya are reqested to follow the IIC Calendar 2021 - 22
IIC Calendar 2021- 2022All Faculties and Students of Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya are reqested to follow the IIC Calendar 2021 - 22
IIC Celebration activities 2021 - 22All Faculties and Students of Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya are requested to follow the IIC Celebration activities 2021 - 22
webinarOne Day workshop on the Lethality of Cancer organised by IIC in collaboration of Department of Zoology and Department of Chemistry and Research cell of the college .Dated 04 02.22
WebinrAn IIC Driven Activity under Mentor Mentee scheme on problem solving and Ideation Workshop . Organised by IIC of the college. Dated 19.02.2022
IIC Driven Webinar in association with IIC Brainware University on How to Plan for Start-Up and Legal & Ethical Step, Dated 14.07.2022 Speaker Ms. Anindita Sarkar, Assistant professor of Brainware University.
Impact lecture sessions with funding support from MIC/AICT , Govt. of India Session 2Impact lecture sessions with funding support from MIC/AICT , Govt. of India Session 2- Lecture -1 Scope & Impact of Entrepreneur in Hotel Management by Dr Pintu Roy Chowdhuri, Assistant Professor Lecture - 2 Entrepreneur Views to Start a Small Business by Mr Dulal Mondal , Senior Operation Manager, with 51 Teachers and students, Dated- 13.07.2022
Progrmme on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.Inovation & Entrepreneurship for Aatmanirbhar Bharat on the Occasion of Celebrating 75 years of Independence -Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. Dated 10 th August 2022 to 17th August 2022